Providing a comprehensive overview of all aspects of Powder Metallurgy, the 19th EPMA Powder Metallurgy Summer School took place in Trento, Italy, 15-19 July 2019.

The 5-day programme was hosted by Prof Alberto Molinari of the University of Trento and coordinated by Dr Marco Actis Grande of the Politecnico di Torino and Dr Christian Gierl-Mayer of TU Vienna.

The school was attended by more than 80 delegates and speakers from a variety of PM backgrounds around the world. Topics covered included Powder Manufacturing and Characterisation, Fundamentals of Sintering, Hard Materials, Metal Injection Moulding and Additive Manufacturing. These classroom sessions were supplemented by group problem solving sessions, laboratory work and a case studies on the SUPREME project, Dr Iñigo Agote Beloki (Tecnalia) and Dr Marta Dai Prè (Dellas) presented the project and the first results so far.

Social events for the school were held with welcome drinks on the Monday evening at the Scrigno Del Duomo ristorante, and a networking dinner on the Thursday evening at the Trattoria Piedicastello.

The Summer School was dedicated to the memory of founding contributor Bob Moon, with a toast being raised as part of the Thursday evening dinner.

Summer School 2019 Participants

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